Many systematics for functional analysis and structuring exist in engineering design metho-dology and product development, but they do not seem to be very popular, especially in industrial practice. On the one hand, there is a lack of understanding their importance as their benefit is not evident. On the other hand, there are too many different models and it is not clear yet which one serves which problem best or is the “right one” at all. We want to take a critical look on this topic in order to achieve a better understanding and empha¬size a more flexible use of functional structures in a wider context. For that we take, merge and enhance basic elements of existing approaches to constitute a comprehensive systematics integrating different aspects. We come to a first basis for a general abstract product model or a consistent model throughout the development process, that contains and connects functions, component parts, and requirements, but no detailed features. Though the approach is relevant for all types of products and functions, we focussed predominantly on mechanical products, which fulfil complex functionality, and strongly connect user and technical functions. Our case studies were an mechanical automotive seat and a bicycle, processed in two directions: The automotive seat had to be methodically optimised for an easy entry function in two-door cars, so that a functional structure had to be built up. The bicycle was chosen as an example, in which the main task was to evaluate PDM systems regarding their use in early phases of the product development process.
Many systematics for functional analysis and structuring exist in engineering design metho-dology and product development, but they do not seem to be very popular, especially in industrial practice. On the one hand, there is a lack of understanding their importance as their benefit is not evident. On the other hand, there are too many different models and it is not clear yet which one serves which problem best or is the “right one” at all. We want to take a critical look on this topic in order t...