Transmitter Position Estimation Methods demonstrated on a GPS-SDMA-System
Fisch, Walter; Chtchekatourov, Vitali; Russer, Peter
Different methods to estimate the position of transmitters in a SDMA system are presented. To achieve the required position detection accuracy in a SDMA system the parameter estimation of the transmitter positions is performed by classical methods (based on the Fourier transform) as well as parametrical high-resolution methods (eigenanalysis-based methods and autoregressive methods). The position detection accuracy of these methods is compared using a two-transmitter constellation for a GPS satellite tracking system with a smart antenna
Different methods to estimate the position of transmitters in a SDMA system are presented. To achieve the required position detection accuracy in a SDMA system the parameter estimation of the transmitter positions is performed by classical methods (based on the Fourier transform) as well as parametrical high-resolution methods (eigenanalysis-based methods and autoregressive methods). The position detection accuracy of these methods is compared using a two-transmitter constellation for a GPS sate...
adaptive antenna arrays, autoregressive methods, autoregressive processes, eigenanalysis, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, Fourier transform, Fourier transforms, Global Positioning System, GPS, high-resolution methods, parameter estimation, position detection accuracy, radio transmitters, satellite tracking system, SDMA system, smart antenna, space division multiple access, tracking, transmitter position estimation
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
12th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON)