Measurement systems, that allow to measure within short measurement time electromagnetic interference (EMI), will reduce the costs for compliance tests. A time-domain EMI (TDEMI) measurement system can reduce the measurement time by several orders of magnitude. In order to have the permission to use a time-domain EMI measurement system for compliance measurements it has to fulfill the CISPR 16-1 (1999) completely. In the following the requirements given by CISPR 16-1 are applied to the TDEMI measurement system. The characteristics of the TDEMI measurement system are compared with the rules of CISPR 16-1. A multiresolution TDEMI (MRTDEMI) measurement system that uses several analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is presented. With such a system the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is enhanced. Measurements have been carried out in the frequency range 30 MHz - 1 GHz. It is shown, that almost all requirements are fulfill led by the MRTDEMI measurement system.
Measurement systems, that allow to measure within short measurement time electromagnetic interference (EMI), will reduce the costs for compliance tests. A time-domain EMI (TDEMI) measurement system can reduce the measurement time by several orders of magnitude. In order to have the permission to use a time-domain EMI measurement system for compliance measurements it has to fulfill the CISPR 16-1 (1999) completely. In the following the requirements given by CISPR 16-1 are applied to the TDEMI mea...