Computer applications in construction engineering are often designed only for one single application domain. As a result, there are a variety of computer models with specific data representations, which are generally not designed to support their integration into an overall computer-based planning process. This thesis presents a new approach in which planning processes in civil engineering are based on entirely three-dimensional volume-oriented models. In order to perform a computation, a building is no longer divided into dimensionally reduced components, such as plates, slabs or beams. Instead, all structures are modeled using high-order, hexahedral finite elements. The aim of this thesis is to describe this approach in detail, to discuss questions that arise and to present possible solution concepts. Special emphasis is placed on the question how the volume-oriented results can be used in the design of reinforced concrete structures and which advantages might result from this.
Computer applications in construction engineering are often designed only for one single application domain. As a result, there are a variety of computer models with specific data representations, which are generally not designed to support their integration into an overall computer-based planning process. This thesis presents a new approach in which planning processes in civil engineering are based on entirely three-dimensional volume-oriented models. In order to perform a computation, a buildi...