Although fast and reliable, real-time template tracking using linear predictors requires a long training time. The lack of the ability to learn new templates online prevents their use in applications that require fast learning. This especially holds for applications running on low-end hardware such as mobile phones, and also for SLAM and SfM applications where the scene is not known a priori and multiple templates have to be added online. So far, linear predictors had to be either learned offine [1] or in an iterative manner by starting with a small sized template and growing it over time [2]. In this paper, we propose a fast and simple reformulation of the learning procedure that allows learning new linear predictors online. We performed an exhaustive evaluation of our approach and compared it to standard linear predictors [1] for template tracking as well as to an iterative learning approach [2] and demonstrated that our approach does not lose tracking performance and is more robust to noise, while allowing a much faster learning. In addition, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed approach in mobile phone applications and similar applications to SLAM, where multiple templates are being tracked simultaneously.
Although fast and reliable, real-time template tracking using linear predictors requires a long training time. The lack of the ability to learn new templates online prevents their use in applications that require fast learning. This especially holds for applications running on low-end hardware such as mobile phones, and also for SLAM and SfM applications where the scene is not known a priori and multiple templates have to be added online. So far, linear predictors had to be either learned offine...