The global financial crisis of 2008/09 has let supervisory bodies around the world to establish increasingly complex regulatory regimes. The European Solvency II directive, which mandates a comprehensive risk management scheme for European (re)insurance undertakings, has emerged as one of the most prominent examples of such intentions. Solvency II, or more specifically its concept of Solvency Capital Requirements, imposes strict regulatory constraints on a (re)insurer's asset allocation strategy. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a portfolio optimization framework, which is able to handle these constraints and subsequently allows to study the impact of the Solvency II directive on a (re)insurer's investment policy. Based on the work of Cvitanic and Karatzas (1992), we introduce a duality approach, which allows to derive optimal investment and consumption policies under stochastic and time-varying convex portfolio constraints in a continuous market model. We show that by suitably embedding the constrained market into a family of auxiliary unconstrained markets, it is possible to construct an optimal portfolio policy for the constrained market using the well-known martingale method. Moreover, we find that the Solvency Capital Requirements indeed impose the aforementioned type of constraints on a (re)insurer's portfolio choice, and in the case of a market with a single risky security, we recover a constant proportion portfolio insurance strategy as the optimal investment policy.
The global financial crisis of 2008/09 has let supervisory bodies around the world to establish increasingly complex regulatory regimes. The European Solvency II directive, which mandates a comprehensive risk management scheme for European (re)insurance undertakings, has emerged as one of the most prominent examples of such intentions. Solvency II, or more specifically its concept of Solvency Capital Requirements, imposes strict regulatory constraints on a (re)insurer's asset allocation strategy...