Usage control concerns how data is used post-access. In existing work on usage control enforcement, policies are assumed to exist at the implementation-level: their derivation from specification-level policies has not been looked into. The expected behavior of a usage controlled system may therefore differ from the actual behavior. This research fills this gap with a policy derivation framework that uses a model-based refinement of domain-specific abstractions, data and actions, in terms of technical constructs viz. events and states of systems.
Usage control concerns how data is used post-access. In existing work on usage control enforcement, policies are assumed to exist at the implementation-level: their derivation from specification-level policies has not been looked into. The expected behavior of a usage controlled system may therefore differ from the actual behavior. This research fills this gap with a policy derivation framework that uses a model-based refinement of domain-specific abstractions, data and actions, in terms of tech...