The application of DSM methods for analyzing and optimizing structures is widely used for both, product and organization structures. The concept of modularity is applicable for both structures and achieved by clustering. Various literatures propose to implement modular structures and align the product and organization structure. This paper aims at developing a modular product structure for an existing product by modularization of the structure with and without respect to the current component responsibilities. Assigning teams for the module responsibilities, the two concepts are then analyzed and compared concerning the requested team communication if components are changed.
The application of DSM methods for analyzing and optimizing structures is widely used for both, product and organization structures. The concept of modularity is applicable for both structures and achieved by clustering. Various literatures propose to implement modular structures and align the product and organization structure. This paper aims at developing a modular product structure for an existing product by modularization of the structure with and without respect to the current component re...