Capturing parameter uncertainty with convex risk measures
Adequately specifying the parameters of a financial or actuarial model is challenging. In case of historical estimation, uncertainty arises through the estimator's volatility and possible bias. In case of market implied parameters, the solution of a calibration to market data might not be unique or the numerical routine returns a local instead of a global minimum. This paper provides a new method based on convex risk measures to quantify parameter risk and to translate it into prices, extending results in Cont (2006); Lindström (2010). We introduce the notion of risk-capturing functionals and prices, provided a distribution on the parameter (or model) set is available, and present explicit examples where the Average-Value-at-Risk and the entropic risk measure are used. For some classes of risk-capturing functionals, the risk-captured price preserves weak convergence of the distributions. In particular, the risk-captured price generated by the distributions of a consistent sequence of estimators converges to the true price. For asymptotically normally distributed estimators we provide large sample approximations for risk-captured prices. Following Bion-Nadal (2009); Carr et al. (2001); Cherny and Madan (2010); Xu (2006), we interpret the risk-captured price as an ask price, reflecting aversion towards parameter risk. To acknowledge parameter risk in case of calibration to market prices, we create a parameter distribution from the pricing error function, allowing us to compare the intrinsic parameter risk of the stochastic volatility models of Heston and Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard as well as the Variance Gamma option pricing model by pricing different exotics.
Adequately specifying the parameters of a financial or actuarial model is challenging. In case of historical estimation, uncertainty arises through the estimator's volatility and possible bias. In case of market implied parameters, the solution of a calibration to market data might not be unique or the numerical routine returns a local instead of a global minimum. This paper provides a new method based on convex risk measures to quantify parameter risk and to translate it into prices, extending...