- Title:
Steuerung einer industriellen Produktionsanlage mit SAP ERP: Konzeption eine r Lehreinheit für Industrie 4.0
- Document type:
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Author(s):
- Alexander Richter ; Robert Heininger ; Michael Kramler ; Miriam Voß ; Helmut Krcmar
- Non-TUM Co-author(s):
- nein
- Cooperation:
- -
- Pages contribution:
- 807-818
- Intellectual Contribution:
- Contribution to Practice
- Editor:
- Drews, P.; Funk, B.; Niemeyer, P.; Xie, L.
- Book / Congress title:
- Tagungsband Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018 – Data driven X — Turning Data into Value
- Congress (additional information):
- Lüneburg, Germany
- Volume:
- II
- Organization:
- Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
- Year:
- 2018
- Month:
- Mar
- Pages:
- 12
- Key publication:
- Nein
- Peer reviewed:
- Ja
- International:
- Nein
- Book review:
- Nein
- Commissioned:
- not commissioned
- Technology:
- Ja
- Interdisciplinarity:
- Ja
- Mission statement:
- ;
- Ethics and Sustainability:
- Nein
Shown version:
Current Version from
21.09.2022, 14:29:18
Octavianus, Edo
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