Nowadays "bionics" is a well known word used by scientists, publishers as well as by politicians. The problem is that there are different defintions of bionics. One defintion follows the idea of using biological principles within technical systems; another one tries to replace parts of the body by artifial systems like protheses or implants. A third version, known as technical biology is the interpretation and understanding of nature by technical laws - and there are further interpretations too. In this paper we want to use insights into nature, so called biological principles when designing technical systems. We want to analyse biological processes and principles or use findings of biology to improve the design of products within mechanical engineering.
Nowadays "bionics" is a well known word used by scientists, publishers as well as by politicians. The problem is that there are different defintions of bionics. One defintion follows the idea of using biological principles within technical systems; another one tries to replace parts of the body by artifial systems like protheses or implants. A third version, known as technical biology is the interpretation and understanding of nature by technical laws - and there are further interpretations too...