This work investigates system designs and optimizations for the application of video services in mobile communication systems. Special focus is put on the cooperation and optimization of functions in different layers of a transmission system taking into account the service requirements of different video applications. Based on channel models that are derived from state-of-the-art and emerging mobile communication systems, we introduce suitable transmission and video coding methods. In particular, the co-developed H.264/AVC video coding standard as well as a proprietary scalable extension are intensively analyzed for their applicability in mobile and Internet communication environments. Innovative error protection tools are designed which enable adaptation to the varying reception conditions in mobile communication environments and enable the cross-layer optimization with the proposed video coding tools. The selection of video coding and error protection options as well as their cooperation is supported by the development of quality-optimizing selection and rate allocation schemes. The findings in this work are verified by information-theoretic justifications, practically relevant system designs, as well as extensive simulation results. The benefits of the proposed methods with respect to existing systems are shown and the realizable gains are quantified.
This work investigates system designs and optimizations for the application of video services in mobile communication systems. Special focus is put on the cooperation and optimization of functions in different layers of a transmission system taking into account the service requirements of different video applications. Based on channel models that are derived from state-of-the-art and emerging mobile communication systems, we introduce suitable transmission and video coding methods. In particular...