Information sharing within the supply chain is an important factor for effective supply chain management. Having access to the right information allows firms to coordinate activities and collaboratively manage supply chains to realize higher performance. Despite this, there exists significant difference in information sharing behaviors among supply chain members. Using an exploratory case study approach, this research identifies the factors that determine differences in information sharing. Classifying the supply chain governance competencies of supply chain members along three dimensions, technical, advanced technical and relational, we analyze the implications of these three dimensions on the overall information sharing behavior of the firm. Based on an in-depth analysis and comparison of four retail supply chains, we identify different information sharing patterns and the factors contributing to the identified patterns. In particular, it was found that while the technical competency (primarily derived from the use of information technology applications) is necessary, it is not a sufficient condition for collaborative information sharing behavior. Relational competencies play a more important role in facilitating information sharing. Based on the findings from the four cases, we come up with propositions outlining different information sharing patterns in supply chains.
Information sharing within the supply chain is an important factor for effective supply chain management. Having access to the right information allows firms to coordinate activities and collaboratively manage supply chains to realize higher performance. Despite this, there exists significant difference in information sharing behaviors among supply chain members. Using an exploratory case study approach, this research identifies the factors that determine differences in information sharing. Clas...