In this thesis, we create simple stochastic covariance models with an additional level of stochastic behavior beyond stochastic volatility and correlation. We distinguish between two families of models, one incorporating leverage effect and one without it. The one-dimensional versions of our models are inspired by Heston, while the multidimensional models generalize the principal component stochastic volatility model. These new models capture stochastic mean-reversion levels on the volatility and on the eigenvalues, with direct implications on the correlations as well. We investigate their properties and derive closed-form expressions for the characteristic functions, which are then used to price European options in one dimension and correlation as well as spread options in two dimensions via the Fourier method. Those prices are compared with simulated Monte Carlo prices for correctness. A sensitivity analysis is performed on the new parameters to study their impact on the price. Finally, implied volatility and correlation surfaces are built to reveal the additional flexibility gained within the new models.
In this thesis, we create simple stochastic covariance models with an additional level of stochastic behavior beyond stochastic volatility and correlation. We distinguish between two families of models, one incorporating leverage effect and one without it. The one-dimensional versions of our models are inspired by Heston, while the multidimensional models generalize the principal component stochastic volatility model. These new models capture stochastic mean-reversion levels on the volatility an...