In this work we introduce two main models in extreme value theory (EVT) based on the theorems proposed by Fisher&Tippett 1928, Gnedenko 1943 and Balkema&de Haan 1974, Pickands 1975, respectively. As a crucial result in the classical EVT the former suggests the theoretical idea behind the block maxima model: by existence of weak convergence of appropriately centered and normalized maxima of iid rvs the only possible choice of non-degenerate limit distribution is a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. The latter provides mathematically solid foundations for the model for threshold exceedances and implies that the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) is a natural model for excess distribution over a high threshold. In the real world extremal events often represent themselves through statistical data: Good levels of rivers, large insurance claims, large decreases in values of stock indices, stress losses on a portfolio of risky securities over a certain period of time, etc. Hence in this work we also introduce statistical methods for extremal events such as fitting a particular probabilistic model to real data, estimating the magnitude of stress event, etc
In this work we introduce two main models in extreme value theory (EVT) based on the theorems proposed by Fisher&Tippett; 1928, Gnedenko 1943 and Balkema&de; Haan 1974, Pickands 1975, respectively. As a crucial result in the classical EVT the former suggests the theoretical idea behind the block maxima model: by existence of weak convergence of appropriately centered and normalized maxima of iid rvs the only possible choice of non-degenerate limit distribution is a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribut...