Our main goal in this thesis is to analyze the pricing of CDS contracts in a structural-default model with jumps. In contrast to the seminal paper by Black and Cox (1976), where the firm-value process is modelled as a geometric Brownian motion, a closed-form expression of the distribution of the time of default is not known when jumps are incorporated. We consider a model with double-exponentially distributed jump sizes, where the Laplace transform of the time of default can be calculated. The numerical inversion of this transform is said to be ill-posed and consequently we intensively discuss and compare four inversion techniques in a double-precision environment to retrieve default probabilities. It turns out that in particular the Fixed-Talbot Algorithm performs very well in this credit pricing environment. As a result, this Laplace transform Algorithm allows for an extremely fast calibration to market quotes. The model is calibrated to the eighth iTraxx series over a three-month period in the middle of the subprime crisis. Our experiments reveal that the model?s fitting capabilities are excellent with errors far below bid-ask spreads. Finally, we provide a method that stabilizes the parameters over time, based on the relative entropy of two equivalent probability measures by giving up only slight fitting qualities. This leads to a model that is easy to interpret, numerical robust, and capable to explain observed market spread curves.
Our main goal in this thesis is to analyze the pricing of CDS contracts in a structural-default model with jumps. In contrast to the seminal paper by Black and Cox (1976), where the firm-value process is modelled as a geometric Brownian motion, a closed-form expression of the distribution of the time of default is not known when jumps are incorporated. We consider a model with double-exponentially distributed jump sizes, where the Laplace transform of the time of default can be calculated. The n...