During methodological development, phospolipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, already established in microbial ecology, was extended by estimating phospholipid etherlipids (PLEL) characteristic of archaeal microorganisms. Phospholipid etherlipid analysis is based on the estimation of ether-linked side chains. Therefore, the polar head group of the phospholipid molecule is removed to access the ether core lipid, releasing alkyl iodides after cleavage of the ether bonds with HI acid. During the subsequent reductive dehalogenation step (Zn in acetic acid), these alkyl iodides are transformed to their corresponding hydrocarbons considered to be the most appropriate derivatives for gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. Following several methodolgical adaptations, it is now possible to estimate both qualitatively and quantitatively the entire range of ether-linked isoprenoids with chains varying from C15 to C40 in soil extracts. Using eight selected freeze-dried archaeal monocultures, a mean PLEL concentration was estimated comparable to the average PLEL concentration estimated in 25 archaeal strains by Nichols et al. (1987). Furthermore, when lipid data was subjected to principal component analysis the significance of PLEL for prokaryotic systematics could be demonstrated in a selection of archaeal and bacterial monocultures. A discrimination of archaeal populations could be also performed based on PLFA profiles and which was in overall accordance with phylogenetic analyses. As revealed by extended phospholipid analysis (PLFA+PLEL), Archaea contained, apart from ether-linked isoprenoids, significant amounts of non-esterlinked fatty acids (NEL-PLFA) in their polar membrane lipids, accounting for 9,7 to 83,4% of total phospholipid side chains. Apart from ether-linked isoprenoids, straight-chain and monomethyl-branched hydrocarbons with chains ranging from C14 to C35 were also found in phospholipids from different soil types. Using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry some of these side chains could be traced back to etherlipids similar to these found in thermophilic bacteria of the genera Aquifex and Thermotoga. The extended phospholipid method was employed within an integrated research project aimed at creating a sustainable land use system for peat soils in the Donaumoos" region of Germany. Specifically, the influence of rewetting the heavily degraded peat soil on soil microorganisms was investigated using phospholipid profiling. Soil samples at a depth of 0-10 cm were taken from oxic and anoxic sites in November 1998, February 1999, May 1999 and September 1999, methane gas fluxes were also estimated at these time points. Since July 1998, the anoxic sites consisted of two basins planted with Typha sets, surrounded by a 1 m high dike and flooded with water from a slightly nutrient loaded draining ditch. The water levels in basin 1 and 2 were 40 and 20 cm, respectively. A nearby drained peat soil used as a grassland with significant oxic properties served as a reference plot and was investigated in the same manner. Phospholipid analyses revealed that Archaea contributed significantly to the microbial biomass in peatland soils: 26,0-38,8% of the estimated total microbial cells could be allocated to organisms of the domain Archaea. While the percentage of organisms belonging to the archaeal kingdom Euryarchaeota was higher in anoxic than oxic sites, the abundance of Crenarchaeota was highest in oxic sites. Extended phospholipid analysis lead to similar results as fluorescent in situ hybridization and DAPI staining (FISH/DAPI), when both approaches were applied to the same soil samples. However, 10-100 magnitudes higher cell numbers were estimated using the phospholipid assay than with the FISH/DAPI approach. Sampling date (= season) and oxic/anoxic properties yielded differences in the microbial community structure, as revealed by principal component analysis of the lipid biomarker data. Furthermore, it seems that microbial populations in the anoxic sites are still apparently in a phase of succession, even after one year of rewetting. Differences in methane fluxes could be related to differences in the colonisation of methanogenic and methanotrophic microorganisms in the three sites. According to PLEL profiling, Euyrarchaeota populations in anoxic sites showed distinct methanogenic properties. In addition, higher concentrations of PLFA characteristic for methanotrophic (= methane oxidising) microorganisms were found in the oxic reference plot.
During methodological development, phospolipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, already established in microbial ecology, was extended by estimating phospholipid etherlipids (PLEL) characteristic of archaeal microorganisms. Phospholipid etherlipid analysis is based on the estimation of ether-linked side chains. Therefore, the polar head group of the phospholipid molecule is removed to access the ether core lipid, releasing alkyl iodides after cleavage of the ether bonds with HI acid. During the subse...