Ecuador’s present deforestation rate is one of the highest worldwide. To mitigate the pressure on the natural forest, in Southern Ecuador reforestations recently are gaining more importance as an alternative land use. Unlike to exotic tree species native tree species of the region were not attached much interest so that knowledge about propagation methods of these species was scarce. In the present study, reproductive phenology and seeds of selected native tree species of the mountain rain forest region in South Ecuador were described, as well as their germination behaviour and growth performance were experimentally tested under nursery conditions. On the basis of split-plot-designs with the factors relative brightness, growing media and tree species in various factor levels differences in germination behaviour and growth performance resulted. The results served for propagation protocols and organisation schemes for local nurseries.
Ecuador’s present deforestation rate is one of the highest worldwide. To mitigate the pressure on the natural forest, in Southern Ecuador reforestations recently are gaining more importance as an alternative land use. Unlike to exotic tree species native tree species of the region were not attached much interest so that knowledge about propagation methods of these species was scarce. In the present study, reproductive phenology and seeds of selected native tree species of the mountain rain fores...