For the design of integrated circuits, the analog part of the circuit represents the bottleneck in the design flow. An important step is the placement of the components of the circuit on the chip, because it heavily influences the performance.
This work presents a new approach for automatic placement of analog integrated circuits. It is guided by the hierarchy of an analog circuit: First, placements are generated for fundamental blocks (e.g., differential pairs and current mirrors) of the circuit by complete enumeration. These partial placements are then combined using a new, efficient algorithm. Finally, the result is a set of placements for the whole circuit, having different aspect ratios.
For the design of integrated circuits, the analog part of the circuit represents the bottleneck in the design flow. An important step is the placement of the components of the circuit on the chip, because it heavily influences the performance.
This work presents a new approach for automatic placement of analog integrated circuits. It is guided by the hierarchy of an analog circuit: First, placements are generated for fundamental blocks (e.g., differential pairs and current mirrors) of the cir...