Rural development problem known as “Sannong Wenti” is an urgent social problem in China today. It affects not only agricultural modernization and economic development, but also influences poverty reduction, social stability, environmental protection, and overall modernization of the society. It is not an isolated issue that is simply related with agriculture, but a comprehensive one that covers economic, social, cultural and environmental fields. The objective of the thesis is to study and research the reasons that caused rural development problem, so as to set up proposals and an integrated model on rural development in China.
The research reviewed a series of international theories and concepts in addition to the concepts from China. Meanwhile, definition of integrated rural development that interpreted by various organizations and theories about the significances of rural development combined together help to address the hypothesis covering small town development strategy, land tenure, dual track, agriculture development, gap between rural and urban areas and administration. Case studies on China, rural development program and system analysis on Germany and the comparison of the key criteria of rural development between these two countries led to the hypothesis finding. Due to the weakness and shortage of current rural development in China, recommendations to rural development in China are addressed.
The proposals for rural development finally appear as an integrated rural development model in China. It is based on system theoretical approach, with a sequential proceeding system and countervailing principle. It is directed by an integrated management system, emphasizes that rural development as an integrated strategy, should base on specific laws, set up clear policies, regulations and concrete strategies or programs. Besides the “top down” process, “bottom up” process that represents local people’s wishes and desire is also necessary. The effective link between “top” and “bottom” is an integrated management system which includes public participation, capacity building, net working and good governance that embody efficient coordination of concerned organizations. This model intends to solve the existing problems in China’s rural development.
Rural development problem known as “Sannong Wenti” is an urgent social problem in China today. It affects not only agricultural modernization and economic development, but also influences poverty reduction, social stability, environmental protection, and overall modernization of the society. It is not an isolated issue that is simply related with agriculture, but a comprehensive one that covers economic, social, cultural and environmental fields. The objective of the thesis is to study and resea...