The analysis of accident statistics, particularly in the USA, shows a disproportional high percentage of fatalities at accidents involving a vehicle rollover. Applying electronic stability control systems (ESC) to vehicles can effectively reduce the risk of rollover. At the process of customization of the ESC-systems a conflict of objectives comes up. Minimizing risk of rollover leads to a decrease of vehicle agility, since high lateral forces produce an agile driving behavior, as well as vehicle rollover. An approach for optimal customization of ESC-systems in terms of the risk of rollover and agility is elaborated in this thesis.
The analysis of accident statistics, particularly in the USA, shows a disproportional high percentage of fatalities at accidents involving a vehicle rollover. Applying electronic stability control systems (ESC) to vehicles can effectively reduce the risk of rollover. At the process of customization of the ESC-systems a conflict of objectives comes up. Minimizing risk of rollover leads to a decrease of vehicle agility, since high lateral forces produce an agile driving behavior, as well as vehicl...