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HEAR4Health: a blueprint for making computer audition a staple of modern healthcare.

Document type:
Journal Article; Review
Triantafyllopoulos, Andreas; Kathan, Alexander; Baird, Alice; Christ, Lukas; Gebhard, Alexander; Gerczuk, Maurice; Karas, Vincent; Hübner, Tobias; Jing, Xin; Liu, Shuo; Mallol-Ragolta, Adria; Milling, Manuel; Ottl, Sandra; Semertzidou, Anastasia; Rajamani, Srividya Tirunellai; Yan, Tianhao; Yang, Zijiang; Dineley, Judith; Amiriparian, Shahin; Bartl-Pokorny, Katrin D; Batliner, Anton; Pokorny, Florian B; Schuller, Björn W
Recent years have seen a rapid increase in digital medicine research in an attempt to transform traditional healthcare systems to their modern, intelligent, and versatile equivalents that are adequately equipped to tackle contemporary challenges. This has led to a wave of applications that utilise AI technologies; first and foremost in the fields of medical imaging, but also in the use of wearables and other intelligent sensors. In comparison, computer audition can be seen to be lagging behind,...     »
Journal title abbreviation:
Front Digit Health
Journal volume:
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TUM Institution:
Lehrstuhl für Health Informatics (Prof. Schuller)