Technische Universität München
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Functional Units
Partnerschaftliche Einrichtungen
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Examination Papers
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Research Group Mathematical Statistics
John-von-Neumann-Gastprofessur (Prof. Després, Prof. Fermanian-Kammerer, Prof. Pareschi, Prof. Pavliotis))
Chair of Algebraic Geometry (Prof. Liedtke)
Chair of Algorithmic Algebra (Prof. Kemper)
Lehrstuhl für Analysis und Modellbildung (Prof. Zimmer)
Chair of Applied Geometry and Discrete Mathematics (N.N.)
Chair of Applied Numerical Analysis (Prof. Fornasier)
Lehrstuhl für Arithmetische Geometrie (N.N.)
Chair of Representation Theory (Dr. Cobbe, komm.)
Mathematical Finance (Prof. Zagst)
Chair of Geometry I (Prof. Richter-Gebert)
Chair of Global Analysis (Prof. Friesecke)
Chair of Advanced Mathematics and Analytical Mechanics (N.N.)
Chair of Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems (Prof. Theis)
Chair of Mathematical Optimization (Prof. Ulbrich)
Chair of Mathematical Physics (Prof. Wolf)
Chair of Mathematical Quantum Physics (Prof. Warzel)
Chair of Multiscale and Stochastic Dynamics (Prof. Kühn)
Chair of Numerical Analysis (Prof. Wohlmuth)
Chair of Numerical Mathematics / Control Theory (N.N.)
Lehrstuhl für Numerische Methoden der Plasmaphysik (Prof. Sonnendrücker)
Lehrstuhl für Operations Research (Prof. Schulz)
Chair of Optimal Control (Prof. Vexler)
Chair of Resource Aware Machine Learning (Prof. Sra)
Chair of Probability Theory (Prof. Gantert)
Scientific Computing (Prof. Bornemann)
Associate of Applied Computational Mathematics (Prof. Hoffmann)
Applied and Computational Topology (Prof. Bauer)
Assistant Professorship of Applied Algebra (Prof. Weger)
Professur für Biostatistik (Prof. Ankerst)
Field of Discrete Mathematics (Prof. Weltge)
Professur für Diskrete Mathematik und Kombinatorische Optimierung (Prof. Wiese)
Associate Professorship of Dynamic Systems (Prof. Matthes)
Assistant Professorship of Mathematical Finance (Prof. Knochenhauer)
Assistant Profesorship of Cryptography (Prof. Panny)
Associate Professorship of Mathematics in Life Sciences (Prof. Kuttler)
Associate Professorship of Mathematical Continuum Mechanics (Prof. Cicalese)
Field of Mathematical Methods in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Prof. Müller)
Associate Professorship of Numerics for Partial Differential Equations (Prof. Lasser)
Professorship of Numerics of Complex Systems (Prof. Junge)
Professorship for Optimization and Data Analysis (Prof. Krahmer)
Associate Professorship of Quantum Geometry (Prof. Alim)
Professur für Risk and Insurance (Prof. Scherer)
Professur für Stochastische Prozesse (Prof. Berger Steiger)
Professur für Theorie komplexer Quantensysteme (Prof. König)
Professur für Topologie (Prof. Scheimbauer)
Associate Professorship of Probability Theory (Prof. Rolles)
Associate Professorship of Scientific Computing and Uncertainty Quantification (Prof. Ullmann)
Images CIT
Technical Reports
ehemalige Lehrstühle und Fachgebiete
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan
TUM School of Management
TUM School of Medicine and Health
TUM School of Natural Sciences
TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit
Service Facilities
TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning
Central Administration
mediaTUM Gesamtbestand
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (Prof. Bornemann)
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