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Formalized results of final testing and optimization activities: Summarization of testing and evaluation of final testing of continuously improved system in the form of prototypes in real world environments and presentation of optimization measures

Document type:
Report / Forschungsbericht
C. Krewer, B. Schapers (SK), H.B. Andersen (DTU), T. Linner (TUM), M. Steinbock (SK), R. Hu, C. Zhao, J. Guttler, M.Schlandt (TUM); C. Valk, Y. Lu (TU/e), I. Kulev, K. Salehzadeh(EPFL), R. Larsen (CU), L. Schrader (FIAIS); P. Partyga, M.Kraul, D. Kozak (AM); A.-K. Schwarze, A. Rusu (BZN); S. Murali,F. Ricon (SC); H. Lingegard (Arjo); B. v. Zanten, P. Lovei, T. Visser (Philips); A. Seeliger (DIN); C. v. d. Boom, J. Steenbakkers (Sturrm); L. Henriksen (Lyngby); M. Randrinambelonoro, C. P...     »
In order to provide a comprehensive summary of all testing activities, the medical core group (DTU, HUG, SK, TUM) created a mini protocol template (which requested the outline of some methodological aspects of each study such as study designs, the recruitment phase, population under investigation, etc.), and ensured that data were submitted and provided by the trial manager to the core group. In this deliverable we present, structure, and interpret the formalized results of the final testing an...     »
technology for ageing society, prevention, health care, ambient robotics, ambient assisted living, smart homes, artificial intelligence, digital care, active ageing, ageing society, geronto-technology
Project title:
Horizon 2020:
Contracting organization:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690425. The content of this report does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the report lies entirely with the authors.
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