Before milking, only milk stored in cistern is immediately available for removal. Alveolar milk is available only after milk ejection occurs in response to tactile teat stimulation and OT release. Tactile teat stimulation is performed during the pre-milking teat preparation process. Continuously elevated OT concentrations are necessary for complete milk removal. This work comprises information about the requirement for pre-milking stimulus in several dairy species to ensure OT release, milk ejection and complete milk removal. Measurements included plasma concentrations of OT during mare and cow milkings. Milk flow patterns were recorded during mare, ewe and cow milking. Pre-milking teat preparation caused milk ejection before the milking started in mares, cows and ewes. Anyhow, there are some differences between the species. Mares released high OT concentrations only in the pre-milking teat preparation phase. On contrary, cows milked in an automatic milking system (AMS) released OT already 30 s after the start of pre-milking teat preparation. Moreover, the teat cup liner was suitable to stimulate further milk ejection and therefore OT concentrations remained elevated throughout the milking process. However, the liner was not able to replace pre-milking teat preparation in mares. Milk ejection in combined suckling milking regime is still not clearly defined. Ewes have larger cisternal cavities, if milk ejection does not start immediately at the start of milking, interruption of the milk flow would not occur. Mares, cows and ewes are usually milked in a stable with a milking machine or in a milking parlour. However, there are an increasing number of cows milked in an AMS which includes different milking routines. Therefore we tested two different automatic milking systems milking routines influence on milk ejection and milk removal. Pre-milking teat preparation for 1 min is sufficient to induce OT release and milk ejection before the start of milking in both systems for all cows. In well filled udders, 30 s of pre-milking teat preparation is sufficient (i.e. early lactation or longer milking interval). In conclusion, the udders of mares, ewes and cows differ anatomically. However sufficient pre-milking teat preparation is needed to collect alveolar milk and reduce residual milk. AMS require individual pre-milking teat preparation, while in conventional milking systems this fact is less crucial. Mixed milking systems (milking and suckling) require longer pre-milking teat preparation for complete milk removal. Complete milk removal in ewes is more dependent on morphological characteristics after milk ejection occurs. The knowledge gathered in this work is a useful tool to optimize pre-milking teat preparation requirement for the observed species and milking systems.
Before milking, only milk stored in cistern is immediately available for removal. Alveolar milk is available only after milk ejection occurs in response to tactile teat stimulation and OT release. Tactile teat stimulation is performed during the pre-milking teat preparation process. Continuously elevated OT concentrations are necessary for complete milk removal. This work comprises information about the requirement for pre-milking stimulus in several dairy species to ensure OT release, milk ejec...