The presented work describes several aspects for automatic on- and off-line script recognition, which is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The recognition performance for cursive handwritten words as well as machine-printed documents is examined, whereas specific methods for preprocessing and feature extraction have been chosen for the current type of script. However, the topic of this work is the examination of hybrid modeling techniques for HMMs and the development of context models, the usage of language models (character n-grams) for word recognition with open vocabulary and different adaptation methods. Furthermore, for adaptation of recognition systems to a certain writer or a local writing style different confidence measures are compared.
The presented work describes several aspects for automatic on- and off-line script recognition, which is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The recognition performance for cursive handwritten words as well as machine-printed documents is examined, whereas specific methods for preprocessing and feature extraction have been chosen for the current type of script. However, the topic of this work is the examination of hybrid modeling techniques for HMMs and the development of context models, the us...