Although massive Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output systems, which are characterized by the large number of base station antennas, offer a significant increase in power and spectral efficiency, the hardware power consumption remains a crucial concern especially at Millimeter-Wave frequencies. The Quantized Constant Envelope (QCE) transmit signaling is a promising approach to enhance the system power efficiency. However, it implies severe restrictions for the transmit signal design. Therefore, digital signal processing techniques are developed to optimally accommodate the restrictions implied by the QCE property.
Although massive Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output systems, which are characterized by the large number of base station antennas, offer a significant increase in power and spectral efficiency, the hardware power consumption remains a crucial concern especially at Millimeter-Wave frequencies. The Quantized Constant Envelope (QCE) transmit signaling is a promising approach to enhance the system power efficiency. However, it implies severe restrictions for the transmit signal design. Therefore, digita...