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Verbesserung der filtrationstechnischen Eigenschaften von Filterhilfsmitteln durch ein thermisches Verfahren
Übersetzter Titel:
A thermal process to improve the filtration properties of filter materials
Schmid, Nikolaj Andrej
Fakultät Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan
Meyer-Pittroff, R. (Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.)
Geiger, E. (Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.)
CIT Chemie-Ingenieurwesen, Technische Chemie, Biotechnologie; BRA Brauwesen; LEB Lebensmitteltechnologie
Kieselgur; Perlit; Naßchemische Aufbereitung; Anschwemmfiltration; Filterstandzeit; Trübung; Druckdifferenz
Übersetzte Stichworte:
Kieselguhr; Perlit; chemical treatment; precoat filtration; fitration capacity; haze; pressure drop
Schlagworte (SWD):
Filterhilfsmittel Filtereigenschaft Thermisches Verfahren; Getränkeherstellung Anschwemmfiltration Filterhilfsmittel
CIT 155d; BRA 790d; LEB 110d
In der deutschen Getränkeindustrie fallen jährlich ca. 70000 t Kieselgurschlamm an. Der größte Verursacher dieses Schlammes ist die Brauindustrie. Darüber hinaus wird Kieselgur als Filterhilfsmittel auch bei der Wein-, Sekt- und Fruchtsaftherstellung eingesetzt. Die Entsorgung der Kieselgurschlämme wird auf längere Sicht insbesondere im Hinblick auf die neue TA Siedlungsabfall immer kostenintensiver. Damit die Getränkeindustrie auch zukünftig ihre Kieselgurabfälle kostengünstig, umweltverträglic...     »
Übersetzte Kurzfassung:
Kieselguhr and diatomaceous earth (D.e.) is used world-wide in filtration for the food & beverage, the biotechnology, the pharmacy and the chemical industries. In the German brewing industry the annual amount of kieselguhr slurry accrues to about 70.000 t. The disposal of kieselguhr slurry becomes more and more problematically, regarding to the new TA Siedlungsabfall, which entries into force in 2005. Therefore it is important to develop a conclusive concept, ensuring a cost-effective and environment-friendly way to dispose or to reduce the D.e. usage. In the course of this work, a thermal technique for kieselguhr based on the thermal technique developed by WTU – Wärmetechnik und Umweltschutz GmbH, permits now, to improve diatomaceous earth in a laboratory scale. An ideal operating temperature and dwelling time of the kieselguhr during the preparation process have been found through experimental tests at a test filter unit. The best filtration results have been achieved at an operating temperature of 500 °C and a dwelling time for the kieselguhr in the preparation oven of 120 minutes. Considering the effects of the preparations of kieselguhr for the practical use, a slower increase of the pressure differential at the filter unit and an improvement of the filter life are the results. By that means the filter unit is working more economic, without impairing the clearing capability. The beer filtration characteristics of the improved D.e. were examined in numerous beer filtrations on a laboratory scale. The improved D.e. is applied by 100 % in two pre-coating layers and also for the continuous dosing . For the pre-coat layer perlite, coarse, medium kieselguhr and D.e. were used, in amount of 600 – 1200 g/m². For the continuous dosing medium kieselguhr and D.e. is used, in amount of 50 – 100 g/hl. The average of the filtration performance was about 4 hl/m²*h. Unfiltered pilsner beer with an amount of 0.5 million yeast cells per ml was engaged. It could be demonstrated, on a laboratory scale, that with kieselguhr slurry treated by 550° C and a dwelling time for the kieselguhr in the preparation oven of 120 minutes a improved D.e. with good, or nearly better technological characteristics, regarding pressure differential, haze and filter life could be produced. 22 filtrations in a German brewery of repute affirm the results of the laboratory experiments. Improved D.e. was used to 100%. Substantially better filtration characteristics showed up by the thermal improved D.e. compared towards the new D.e..
Universitätsbibliothek der TU München
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