In this dissertation the influence of different additives on the flue gas compo-sition, the formation of aerosols, particles, ashes and deposits and the corro-sion behaviour is investigated. In addition to other measuring techniques, an industry-proven online corrosion probe is used on a laboratory scale. In addition to the measurements on an entrained-flow reactor, tests are also carried out on a biomass power plant. The objective is to combine estab-lished measurement techniques with an online corrosion sensor to enable the evaluation of alternative additives and their reduction properties on a labora-tory scale in shortened test times.
Straw is used as the basic fuel, which is specifically doped with the sulphate-containing additives ammonium and ferric sulphate. The sulphate reacts in the flue gas with the alkali chlorides to alkali sulphates and hydrogen chlo-ride, which, is largely harmless to the boiler internals. Furthermore, kaolin is mixed with the base fuel in two different ratios to investigate the effect of the binding reaction of the alkalis in an aluminium-silicate matrix. During the binding reaction, the chloride is also removed as hydrogen chloride.
The results of the entrained-flow reactor tests showed the success of both sulphation and binding reactions. The HCl concentration in the flue gas in-creased in all reduction tests. The chlorine content of the aerosols, particles and ashes could be reduced to below the detection limit by the addition of sulphate-containing additives. The kaolin showed the desired effect in the binding reaction at high concentrations, but at low doses the detected chlo-rine content of the aerosols and particles increased.
The results of the online corrosion probe confirmed the reduction properties of the used additives. The online corrosion signal decreased with the use of the sulfur-containing additives and the addition of kaolin and could be corre-lated with the results of the HCl concentration in the flue gas and the Cl con-tent of the aerosols and particles. In this case, it was shown that with online measurement technology a reliable statement about the corrosiveness of the fuel is also possible on a laboratory scale and with a shortened test duration.
In addition to the tests on the entrained-flow reactor, two measurement cam-paigns were carried out in a biomass power plant. On the one hand, the influ-ence of a gradual reduction of the additive ammonium sulfate on the aerosol and particle formation and the flue gas composition was investigated, and on the other hand, the corrosion properties with the aid of the online corrosion sensor during partial substitution of the ammonium sulfate by iron sulfate. The influence of additive reduction was evident both in the flue gas analysis and in the composition of the particle measurements. With the reduction of the additive quantity, the chlorine content in the fine and ultra-fine dust parti-cles increases, while the HCl emissions in the flue gas fall. Partial substitu-tion of the additive reduced ammonia emissions, while the results of the online corrosion sensor showed a decrease in corrosion activity.
In this dissertation the influence of different additives on the flue gas compo-sition, the formation of aerosols, particles, ashes and deposits and the corro-sion behaviour is investigated. In addition to other measuring techniques, an industry-proven online corrosion probe is used on a laboratory scale. In addition to the measurements on an entrained-flow reactor, tests are also carried out on a biomass power plant. The objective is to combine estab-lished measurement techniques with an online...