Perch larvae were raised in a net enclosure in the lake as well as in an aquarium. They were fed with live zooplankton from the lake, attracted by light. Further, larvae and juvenile perch were caught in the lake by netting. Lake plankton was caught in 10-0 m depth. Digestive tract contents of perch were compared with the abundance of zooplankton species in the lake. The development of the digestive tract and the pancreas in the first weeks of life was studied histologically. During the first 4-5 weeks eleutheroembryos and larvae up to about 13 mm total length were exclusively found in the pelagic zone of the lake. With total lengths of about 15 mm the larvae at first returned to the litoral zone. They were exclusively found in the spawning habitats of adult perch. The smallest pelagic larvae fed selectively on rotifers of the genus Polyarthra. If these were not abundant enough, the larvae fed additional on nauplii. The larger pelagic larvae fed increasingly on nauplii and copepods. Having returned to the litoral zone, the larvae switched to cladocers and, as did the juvenile perch, selected strongly Ceriodaphnia quadrangula. The larval and juvenile perch of the litoral zone in parts showed a considerable infestation with intestinal parasites. These were juvenile forms of Proteocephalus percae (Cestodes), Azygia lucii and Bunodera luciopercae (both Trematodes). The mortality of raised perch larvae was high. Only up to 3.96 % survived the first two weeks of life. Some histological results suggest, that eleutheroembryos already have a functional pancreas, whereas no gastric glands could be found. At first in 4-5 weeks old and about 15 mm long pterygiolarvae a "Magenanlage" with first gastric glands could be found. There is a lack of a functional stomach in perch until the beginning of metamorphosis. It is suggested, that perch larvae are strongly dependent on exogenous enzymes during this time of life.
Perch larvae were raised in a net enclosure in the lake as well as in an aquarium. They were fed with live zooplankton from the lake, attracted by light. Further, larvae and juvenile perch were caught in the lake by netting. Lake plankton was caught in 10-0 m depth. Digestive tract contents of perch were compared with the abundance of zooplankton species in the lake. The development of the digestive tract and the pancreas in the first weeks of life was studied histologically. During the first 4-...