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Venom Component Allergen IgE Measurement in the Diagnosis and Management of Insect Sting Allergy.

Document type:
Journal Article; Review
Blank, Simon; Korošec, Peter; Slusarenko, Benjamin O; Ollert, Markus; Hamilton, Robert G
Accurate identification of allergy-eliciting stinging insect(s) is essential to ensuring effective management of Hymenoptera venom-allergic individuals with venom-specific immunotherapy. Diagnostic testing using whole-venom extracts with skin tests and serologic-based analyses remains the first level of discrimination for honeybee versus vespid venom sensitization in patients with a positive clinical history. As a second-level evaluation, serologic testing using molecular venom allergens can further discriminate genuine sensitization (honeybee venom: Api m 1, 3, 4, and 10 vs yellow jacket venom/Polistes dominula venom Ves v 1/Pol d 1 and Ves v 5/Pol d 5) from interspecies cross-reactivity (hyaluronidases [Api m 2, Ves v 2, and Pol d 2] and dipeptidyl peptidases IV [Api m 5, Ves v 3, and Pol d 3]). Clinical laboratories use a number of singleplex, oligoplex, and multiplex immunoassays that employ both extracted whole-venom and molecular venom allergens (highlighted earlier) for confirmation of allergic venom sensitization. Established quantitative singleplex autoanalyzers have general governmental regulatory clearance worldwide for venom-allergic patient testing with maximally achievable analytical sensitivity (0.1 kUA/L) and confirmed reproducibility (interassay coefficient of variation <10%). Emerging oligoplex and multiplex (fixed-panel) assays conserve on serum and are more cost-effective, but they need regulatory clearance in some countries and are prone to higher rates of detecting asymptomatic sensitization. Ultimately, the patient's clinical history, combined with proof of sensitization, is the final arbiter in the diagnosis of Hymenoptera venom allergy.
Journal title abbreviation:
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract
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TUM Institution:
Lehrstuhl für Molekulare Allergologie und Umweltforschung (Prof. Schmidt-Weber)