The HOAI (Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure) is a legal regulation in Ger-many that governs the fees for architects and engineers. The planning and construction process in Germany is significantly influenced by the nine work phases of the HOAI and the resulting sequential project workflow in the form of a "waterfall model". However, in practice, the construction process consists of many parallel and iterative processes that the waterfall model cannot fully capture.
This master's thesis aims to identify and analyse the opportunities and risks of the linear, sequential construction process according to the HOAI for clients and to evaluate how it affects the workflow of construction projects. Furthermore, the thesis explores the optimi-zation potential of the HOAI workflow, with a particular focus on implementing agile and integrative approaches.
Based on a systematic literature review, the theoretical foundations for this thesis were established, covering project management, the HOAI in the construction process, and agile and integrative methods and models in construction. These insights informed the qualitative research, which was conducted through semi-structured expert interviews with clients, project managers, and client representatives. The interviews addressed topics such as the HOAI workflow, the need for optimization in the planning process, and agile project management.
The analysis of the literature review and the qualitative interviews revealed that the work-flow according to the nine work phases of the HOAI provides a solid framework but has room for improvement. As a result of this master's thesis, principles similar to those of the Agile Manifesto were developed and integrated into a proposed project workflow model. This proposed project workflow model considers the identified need for optimiza-tion from the perspectives of the nine interviewees and incorporates agile and integrative approaches.
The HOAI (Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure) is a legal regulation in Ger-many that governs the fees for architects and engineers. The planning and construction process in Germany is significantly influenced by the nine work phases of the HOAI and the resulting sequential project workflow in the form of a "waterfall model". However, in practice, the construction process consists of many parallel and iterative processes that the waterfall model cannot fully capture.
This master's the...