This master thesis studies the development of a Holistic Multi-Functional Retrofitting System, designed specifically for multi-family dwellings. The problem to be addressed is the unsustainable methods of renovations and the ever-increasing global demand for new housing. One of the solutions was to prolong the use of the existing buildings instead of creating new, to achieve circular economy and reach Net Zero Energy Buildings, by sustainable renovations and integrating renewable energies. The thought process was to create a holistic multi-functional system with five main components to reduce energy consumption, and completely offset the energy expenses while maintaining the thermal comfort and energy requirements of the tenants. In addition to testing the hypothesis against the system’s results, to examine whether a comprehensive system is truly more cost effective in the long run or a single factor-oriented system is.
The literature review targeted similar incentives and sustainable methods of renovations to reduce energy consumption and improve the building’s energy efficiency. Followed by market screening to investigate the current market trends, existing technologies, potential competitors and to define the market gap. Moreover, a case study was conducted to properly test the new system to be created and generate tangible results to be able to compare them. After designing and prototyping the holistic system, a total of 32 case combinations were found, and a decision matrix was then put in place considering the initial costs, the future cashflows, the life span, running costs, expected energy and monetary savings, and the carbon dioxide equivalent (footprint).
Additionally, an economic feasibility study was computed in the form of a life cycle cost analysis. This was reiterated for the 32 Cases and the internal rate of return was one of the deciding parameters in comparing the system components and their combinations. The answer to the research question and the proposed hypothesis was, utilizing a holistic system is, in fact, cost effective and caused the most energy savings out of all combinations, however only integrating solar panels to the building had the highest IRR% of all combinations, contesting half of the original hypothesis.
Lastly a chapter was provided to discuss and explore the entrepreneurial angle of this system and how it can be used to build a company. A complete business plan was developed, and a prototype of the interface, website and software were given as supporting guidelines aiming to scale up this startup idea. The proposed company name is: Eco-Rev (Economical Revamp)
This master thesis studies the development of a Holistic Multi-Functional Retrofitting System, designed specifically for multi-family dwellings. The problem to be addressed is the unsustainable methods of renovations and the ever-increasing global demand for new housing. One of the solutions was to prolong the use of the existing buildings instead of creating new, to achieve circular economy and reach Net Zero Energy Buildings, by sustainable renovations and integrating renewable energies. The t...