The following paper analyses whether the change of the structure of the German real estate market has accelerated since the beginning of the corona pandemic. It is shown that real estate sectors are affected by the pandemic in different ways and strength. The findings are based on literature reviews and quantitative data analyses. Especially five real estate sectors are consid-ered: residential, office, retail, logistics and hotel.
The worst performers of the considered real estate sectors are those that are affected the fun-dament of their business by the federal and state government interventions. Particularly the ho-tel, office and non-essential retail sectors are hit most. Moreover, the pandemic leads to the ac-celeration of the megatrend digitalisation. The logistic sector profits from this development. In contrast, the pandemic as well as the faster developing digitalisation is threatening the retail sec-tor. Even the office sector is influenced negatively by the digitalisation, as flexible work, online meetings and homeoffice have been extended during the pandemic.
The economically important residential sector has not been disadvantaged by the government interventions and restrictions. As a result, the residential sector shows a positive development during the covid-crisis. Furthermore, the increasing digitalisation is a chance for the residential sector. Homeoffice could lead to more investments in the residential real estate sector. Due to importance of the residential market and its strenght, the real estate market altogether develops in a positive way and therefore stabilizes the German economy.
The following paper analyses whether the change of the structure of the German real estate market has accelerated since the beginning of the corona pandemic. It is shown that real estate sectors are affected by the pandemic in different ways and strength. The findings are based on literature reviews and quantitative data analyses. Especially five real estate sectors are consid-ered: residential, office, retail, logistics and hotel.
The worst performers of the considered real estate sectors are...