Bayesian optimization (BO) is a popular sequential machine learning optimization
strategy for black-box functions. BO has proven to be an effective approach for
guiding sample-efficient exploration of materials domains and is increasingly being
used in automated materials optimization set-ups. However, when exploring novel
materials, sample quality may vary unexpectedly, which, in the worst case, can
invalidate the optimization procedure if undetected. This limits the use of highly-
automated optimization loops, especially in high-dimensional materials spaces
that require more samples. Sample quality may be hard to define unequivocally
for a machine but human scientists are usually good at quality assurance, at least
on a cursory yet often sufficient level. In this work, we demonstrate that humans
can be added into the BO loop as experts to comment on the sample quality,
which results in more trustworthy BO results. We implement human-in-the-loop
BO via a data fusion approach and simulate BO of experimental perovskite film
stability (data from the literature). Our human-in-the-loop approach facilitates
automated materials design and characterization by reducing the occurrence of
invalid optimization results.
Bayesian optimization (BO) is a popular sequential machine learning optimization
strategy for black-box functions. BO has proven to be an effective approach for
guiding sample-efficient exploration of materials domains and is increasingly being
used in automated materials optimization set-ups. However, when exploring novel
materials, sample quality may vary unexpectedly, which, in the worst case, can
invalidate the optimization procedure if undetected. This limits the use of highly-