Quantum many-body systems with fracton constraints are widely conjectured to exhibit unconventional low-energy phases of matter. In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of a variety of such exotic quantum phases in the ground states of a dipole-moment conserving Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension. For integer boson fillings, we perform a mapping of the system to a model of microscopic local dipoles, which are composites of fractons. We apply a combination of low-energy field theory and large-scale tensor network simulations to demonstrate the emergence of a dipole Luttinger liquid phase. At noninteger fillings our numerical approach shows an intriguing compressible state described by a quantum Lifshitz model in which charge density-wave order coexists with dipole long-range order and superfluidity—a “dipole supersolid”. While this supersolid state may eventually be unstable against lattice effects in the thermodynamic limit, its numerical robustness is remarkable. We discuss potential experimental implications of our results.
Quantum many-body systems with fracton constraints are widely conjectured to exhibit unconventional low-energy phases of matter. In this paper, we demonstrate the existence of a variety of such exotic quantum phases in the ground states of a dipole-moment conserving Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension. For integer boson fillings, we perform a mapping of the system to a model of microscopic local dipoles, which are composites of fractons. We apply a combination of low-energy field theory and larg...