Sturma, Nils; Squires, Chandler; Drton, Mathias; Uhler, CarolineUnpaired Multi-Domain Causal Representation LearningPreprint2023Feb
Keropyan, Grigor; Strieder, David; Drton, MathiasRank-Based Causal Discovery for Post-Nonlinear ModelsPreprint2023Feb
Portakal, Irem; Sturmfels, BerndGeometry of Dependency EquilibriaPreprint2022Jan
Rusek, Krzysztof; Drton, MathiasFine-grained network traffic prediction from coarse dataPreprint2022
Strieder, David; Drton, MathiasOn the choice of the splitting ratio for the split likelihood ratio testPreprint2022
Sturma, Nils; Drton, Mathias; Leung, DennisTesting Many and Possibly Singular Polynomial ConstraintsPreprint2022
Brandenburg, Marie-Charlotte; Hollering, Benjamin; Portakal, IremCombinatorics of Correlated EquilibriaPreprint2022
Hollering, Benjamin; Johnson, Joseph; Portakal, Irem; Solus, LiamToric Ideals of Characteristic Imsets via Quasi-Independence GluingPreprint2022
Portakal, Irem; Sendra-Arranz, JavierNash conditional independence curvePreprint2022
Shi, Hongjian; Drton, Mathias; Hallin, Marc; Han, FangCenter-Outward Sign- and Rank-Based Quadrant, Spearman, and Kendall Tests for Multivariate IndependencePreprint2021