We present Seedmarkers, shape-independent topological markers that can be embedded in physical objects manufactured with common rapid-prototyping techniques. Many markers are optimized for technical performance while visual appearance or the feasibility of permanently merging marker and physical object is not considered. We give an overview of the aesthetic properties of a wide range of existing markers and conducted a short online survey to assess the perception of popular marker designs. Based on our findings we introduce our generation algorithm making use of weighted Voronoi diagrams for topological optimization. With our generator, Seedmarkers can be created from technical drawings during the design process to fill arbitrary shapes on any surface. Given dimensions and manufacturing constraints, different configurations for 3 or 6 degrees of freedom tracking are possible. We propose a set of application examples for shape-independent markers, including 3D printed tangibles, laser cut plates and functional markers on printed circuit boards.
We present Seedmarkers, shape-independent topological markers that can be embedded in physical objects manufactured with common rapid-prototyping techniques. Many markers are optimized for technical performance while visual appearance or the feasibility of permanently merging marker and physical object is not considered. We give an overview of the aesthetic properties of a wide range of existing markers and conducted a short online survey to assess the perception of popular marker designs. Based...