Rural highways account for a significant portion of the National Highway System and serve many vital mobility purposes. The Highway Capacity Manual, the standard reference for traffic analysis methodologies, contains analysis methodologies for all of the individual segments or intersections that may constitute a rural highway; however, it does not include a methodology or guidelines for connecting the individual roadway segments into a connected, cohesive, facility-level analysis.
NCHRP Research Report 1102: Reliability and Quality of Service Evaluation Methods for Rural Highways: A Guide, from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, presents a guide for traffic analysis of rural highways that connects the individual highway segments into a connected, cohesive, facility-level analysis.
Rural highways account for a significant portion of the National Highway System and serve many vital mobility purposes. The Highway Capacity Manual, the standard reference for traffic analysis methodologies, contains analysis methodologies for all of the individual segments or intersections that may constitute a rural highway; however, it does not include a methodology or guidelines for connecting the individual roadway segments into a connected, cohesive, facility-level analysis.
NCHRP Rese...