Currently available laser scanners are capable of performing hundredsof thousands of range measurements per second at a range resolution of a few centimeters. Despite that increasing performance,up to now airborne LiDAR mapping has established itself only in fields of application that do not require on-line data processing.A typical example in this context is urban modeling. We want to point out some other tasks like object recognition, situation analysisand on-line change detection that have come into reach of today's LiDAR technology. Primary goal of the work presented in thispaper is the on-line data preparation for subsequent analysis. We present a workflow of real-time capable filter operations to detectthe ground level and distinguish between clutter and manmade objectsin airborne laser scanner data of urban regions. Based on interpretationof single scan lines, straight line segments are first segmented and then connected, and the resulting surfaces aredelineated by a polygon. A preliminary step is done towards fastreconstruction of buildings for rapid city-modeling, co-registrationor recognition of urban structures.
Currently available laser scanners are capable of performing hundredsof thousands of range measurements per second at a range resolution of a few centimeters. Despite that increasing performance,up to now airborne LiDAR mapping has established itself only in fields of application that do not require on-line data processing.A typical example in this context is urban modeling. We want to point out some other tasks like object recognition, situation analysisand on-line change detection that have co...