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Weisweiler, S.; Kuhrts, J.; Braumandl, I.; Schmid, E.
Self management for project managers
Applied psychology for project managers. A practitioner's guide to successful project management.
Technical Universität München

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Athenstaedt, U.; Macher, S.; Horvath, L.
Soziale Unterstüztung oder Statusausdruck? Nicken und Geschlechtsrollen-Selbstkonzept in dyadischer Kommunikation
15. Tagung der Fachgruppe für Sozialpsychologie
Potsdam, Germany

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Horvath, L.; Hentschel, T.
Passende Talente ansprechen - Rekrutierung und Gestaltung von Stellenanzeigen.
Personalauswahl in der Wissenschaft - Evidenzbasierte Methoden und Impulse für die Praxis.
Peus, C.; Braun, S.; Hentschel, T.; Frey, D.

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Schmid, E.; Knipfer, K.; Peus, C.
Wissen alleine reicht nicht. Förderung von Selbst(lern)kompetenzen in der Führungskräfteentwicklung: Executive-MBA-Ausbildung an der TUM School of Management

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Pircher Verdorfer, A.; Peus, C.; Egorov, M.
Game-changer: Video games as a new avenue in ethically-oriented leadership development
17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Oslo, Norway

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Pircher Verdorfer, A.; Peus, C.; Frey, D.; Feng, X.
Thriving in turbulent times: Servant leadership as a pathway to employee well-being and retention.
75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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Hentschel, T.; Peus, C.; Braun, S.; Frey, D.
Perceptions of others and ascribed career chances of women and men who use different leadership styles
17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Oslo, Norway

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Hentschel, T.; Peus, C.; Braun, S.
Current gender stereotypes in Europe – A comparison of Germany, Spain and Ukraine.
17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Oslo, Norway

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Horvath, L.; Grether, T.; Wiese, B.
Predicting Father's parental leaves: A social-cognitive approach to explaining leadership as a barrier for men to realize parental leave plans.
17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
Oslo, Norway

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Horvath, L.; Peus, C.; Hentschel, T.
Women's attraction to entrepreneurship: Gender-fair language as a facilitator
Fachgruppentagung Sozialpsychologie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie
Potsdam, Germany