In four-step travel demand models, average trip generation rates are tradi-
tionally applied to static household type definitions. In reality, however,
trip generation is more heterogeneous with some households making no
trips and other households making more than two dozen trips. Two im-
provements for trip generation are presented in this paper. First, the house-
hold type definition, which traditionally is based on experience or habitual-
ity rather than science, is revised to optimally reflect trip generation
differences between household types. For this purpose, over 67 Million
household type definitions were analyzed econometrically in a Big-Data
exercise. Secondly, a microscopic trip generation module has been devel-
oped that specifies trip generation individually for every household. This
tool allows representing the heterogeneity in trip generation found in reali-
ty, and it adds flexibility if additional household attributes are added in the
In four-step travel demand models, average trip generation rates are tradi-
tionally applied to static household type definitions. In reality, however,
trip generation is more heterogeneous with some households making no
trips and other households making more than two dozen trips. Two im-
provements for trip generation are presented in this paper. First, the house-
hold type definition, which traditionally is based on experience or habitual-
ity rather than science, is revised to optimally...