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Schuh H.
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) - New programs for international coorperation
IAG CSTG Bulletin No. 13, 36, DGFI/I, München

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Schuh H., Haas R.
Tidal Influences on VLBI
Bulletin d`Informations Marées Terrestres, No.127, 9768-9777

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Schmitz-Hübsch H.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Wavelettransformation bei der Analyse von Erdrotationsparametern
Geodätische Woche, Inst. f. Geodäsie und Geoinformationstechnik, TU Berlin, 06.10.1997. (extended abstract)

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Rummel R., Reigber Ch., Hornik H.
Advanced Space Technology in Geodesy - Achievements and Outlook
Report of IAG Section II to the XXI General Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 1995 in Blouder/USA. IAG CSTG Bulletin No. 14, DGFI/I, München

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Moirano J., Brunini C., Drewes H., Kaniuth K.
Metodología para la integración de la red POSGAR al marco de referencia de SIRGAS
Actas de la 19a reunión científica de Geofísica y Geodesia, 386-390, San Juan/Argentina

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Kaniuth K., Drewes H., Stuber K., Tremel H., Moirano J.
Report on the processing of the SIRGAS 95 GPS network at DGFI
Interner Bericht 70/97, DGFI/I, München

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Kaniuth K.
The impact of reference frame realization errors on relative positioning in regional GPS Networks
Veröff. Bayer. Komm. Int. Erdm., Heft 58, 237-242

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Heidbach O., Drewes H.
Modellierung der Erdkrustendeformationen mit MARC K6.2. Tagungsbuch 1997 MARC Benutzertreffen
MARC Software Deutschland GmbH, Aschheim, Kapitel 32, 8 Seiten

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Haas R., Scherneck H.G, Schuh H.
Atmospheric loading corrections in geodetic VLBI and determination of atmospheric loading coefficients
In: Pettersen, B.R. (Ed.) Proc. of the 12th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry, Hønefoss, Norwegen, Sept. 1997, Statens Kartverk Geodesidivisjonen, 122-132

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Haas R., Schuh H.
Determination of Tidal Parameters from VLBI
Bulletin d`Informations Marées Terrestres, No.127, 9778-9786