The Hourly Coastal water levels with Counterfactual (HCC) dataset provides coastal water levels to be used as input data for ISIMIP3a (, Frieler et al. 2023).
The dataset describes relative and geocentric historical coastal water levels, utilizing data from several specialized sources. It incorporates reconstructed water level data from the Hybrid Reconstructions (HR) dataset by Dangendorf et al. (2019), which describes the long-term evolution of historical water levels. Vertical land motion information is provided by Oelsmann et al. (2023), adding crucial details about changes in land elevation. The dataset also integrates a reanalysis of hourly variations in water levels caused by wind, air pressure, and astronomical tides, as detailed in the Coastal Dataset for the Evaluation of Climate Impact (CoDEC) by Muis et al. (2020).
A counterfactual scenario is derived by removing the quadratic trend observed in sea levels from 1900 to 2015. This results in a hypothetical condition where the sea level has been stationary since 1900.
When referring to the HCC dataset, the paper Treu et al. (2023) should be cited.
The Hourly Coastal water levels with Counterfactual (HCC) dataset provides coastal water levels to be used as input data for ISIMIP3a (, Frieler et al. 2023).
The dataset describes relative and geocentric historical coastal water levels, utilizing data from several specialized sources. It incorporates reconstructed water level data from the Hybrid Reconstructions (HR) dataset by Dangendorf et al. (2019), which describes the long-term evolution of historical water levels. Vertica...