This paper presents a velocity tracking controller using incremental dynamic inver-
sion for a multicopter. The incremental controller is robust against uncertainties in
steady-state e
ects like drag forces and gravitational moments. Furthermore, an inte-
grated control allocation scheme is proposed that simultaneously computes commands
to the rotational inner-loop and motor commands in a combined allocation. The in-
crements are computed using complimentary ltered accelerometer and gyroscope mea-
surements that incorporate information from appropriate models. The performance of
the proposed controller is demonstrated in ight.
This paper presents a velocity tracking controller using incremental dynamic inver-
sion for a multicopter. The incremental controller is robust against uncertainties in
steady-state e
ects like drag forces and gravitational moments. Furthermore, an inte-
grated control allocation scheme is proposed that simultaneously computes commands
to the rotational inner-loop and motor commands in a combined allocation. The in-
crements are computed using complimentary ltered acceleromete...