Trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) pose a potential risk to human health, especially when surface waters impaired by wastewater effluents are used directly or via managed aquifer recharge (MAR) for public drinking water supply. In this dissertation project, sequential MAR technology (SMART) establishing favorable oxic and carbon-limited conditions was studied at lab- and full-scale to achieve an enhanced TOrCs attenuation. In addition, the role of the composition and concentration of dissolved organic carbon on the transformation of TOrCs were investigated.
Trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) pose a potential risk to human health, especially when surface waters impaired by wastewater effluents are used directly or via managed aquifer recharge (MAR) for public drinking water supply. In this dissertation project, sequential MAR technology (SMART) establishing favorable oxic and carbon-limited conditions was studied at lab- and full-scale to achieve an enhanced TOrCs attenuation. In addition, the role of the composition and concentration of dissolved orga...