In this thesis, methods for transforming street space data to a 3D city model, which allows for detailed analysis and visualization, are developed. For the experiments, the proposed approach was exemplarily implemented for the conversion of Mobile Mapping data, pre-processed for publication in OpenDRIVE format, to CityGML. For the experiments, datasets were provided by the co-supervising company 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH, which utilizes mobile mapping systems to acquire high-resolution data of street spaces and derive highly accurate OpenDRIVE-compliant plans from it. Besides related work, relevant sources of data for street space modeling are discussed in detail. Based on a catalog of nine criteria, the introduced sources of data are assessed and a well-suited combination of data sources is suggested. Moreover, an overview of standards for the modelling of street spaces, with a particular focus on the similarities and differences of OpenDRIVE and CityGML, is presented. The acquisition of semantic street space data using mobile mapping, in general, and the acquisition pro- cess implemented by 3D Mapping Solutions, in particular, is described. Based on this, an approach for the visualization of such kinematic measurements was developed. In experiments, an implementation of this approach was successfully applied to study areas to show that a transformation of the pre-processed Mobile Mapping data to CityGML indeed enables visualization of the kinematic street space data in 3D. The result of this transformation is a semantic street space model in Level of Detail 3, containing a textured lane model as well as additional objects from the street space. Visualization of such models is possible using the Cesium-based 3D-Web-Map-Client, which is part of 3DCityDB.
In this thesis, methods for transforming street space data to a 3D city model, which allows for detailed analysis and visualization, are developed. For the experiments, the proposed approach was exemplarily implemented for the conversion of Mobile Mapping data, pre-processed for publication in OpenDRIVE format, to CityGML. For the experiments, datasets were provided by the co-supervising company 3D Mapping Solutions GmbH, which utilizes mobile mapping systems to acquire high-resolution data of s...