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Hu, R., Follini, C., Pan, W, Linner, T., Bock, T.
A case study on regenerating informal settlements in Cairo using Affordable and Adaptable Building System
Procedia Engineering
Volume 196

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Güttler, J., Linner, T., Bittner, A., Engler, A., Schulze E., Bock, T.
Development and Evaluation of Assistive Terminals for the Improvement of Functional Performance of the Elderly in a Variety of Life Centers
. Proceedings of the first international symposium on applied abstraction and integrated design (AAID)

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Follini, C., Hu, R., Pan, W., Linner, T., Bock, T.
Collaborative Advanced Building Methodology toward Industrialization of Informal Settlements in Cairo
Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC)

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Y. Lu; J. Steenbakkers; C.A.L. Valk; M.M. Bekker; C.v.d. Boom; H. Lingegård; R. Nilsson; T. Linner
Design, Technology, and IP analysis + Management of intellectual property rights for efficient and fast exploitation of project results

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I. Owusu; C.A.L. Valk; Y. Lu; J. Güttler; A. Kabouteh; D. Kozak; D. Jankowski; M. Randriambelonoro; T. Visser; R. Hu; H. Lingegård
PSS concepts based on motivational strategies

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H. B. Andersen; H. Ehrari; J. D. Jessen; M. Yasuoka; R. T. Larsen; H. Langberg; T. Linner; J. Güttler; A. Kabouteh; R. Hu.; B. Schäpers; C. Krewer; G. v. Bakel; Y. Lu; M. Randriambelonoro
Personalised Intelligent Interior Units (PI²Us): List of requirements and functions report

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Y. Lu; C.A.L. Valk; T. Bekker; J. D. Jessen; H. H. Lund; H. B. Andersen; H. Cornelis; G. v. Bakel; T. Linner
Identification and detailing of personalization strategies and degrees of personalization for all Subsystems

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I. Owusu; C. v. d. Zwaluw; C.A.L. Valk; Y. Lu; J. Güttler; A. Kabouteh; D. Kozak; C. Perrin; J. D. Jessen; A. Rusu; S. Forstner; A.-K. Schwarze; M. Randriambelonoro; T. Visser
Theory-based motivational behavior change strategies for the Responsive Engagement of the elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare (REACH) project

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T. Linner; E. Steinhardt; J. Güttler; C. Fuß; A.-M. Meyer; H. B. Andersen
Systems engineering - coordination and best practice guidelines for REACH system integration activities and standards research

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T. Linner; A. Groth; Y. Lu; G. Solcanu; E. Steinhardt
Stakeholder management plan - outline of a stakeholder management strategy that allows the efficient implementation of PSS-concept and health platform