In this thesis, the use of topology optimization for structures under aerodynamic loads, like wind turbine blades, is evaluated. The FE-based software Optistruct® (1), packaged in Altair’s HyperWorks®, is used as pre-processor and optimizer. The aerodynamic loads are calculated using a CFD simulation of the flow around the structures. OpenFoam® was used for the simulation. Two different blade models are used. A blade designed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the CX-100 blade by Sandia National Laboratories. For the multiple load case (gravitational, centrifugal, aerodynamic) the so-called MINDIM constraint that is included in Optistruct® is used. A topology which is similar to conventional blade designs could be found. Two spar cabs that tappers towards the tip of the blade emerge. Vertically they are connected by a shear web. The position of the web varies along the length of the blade. The use of simulated aerodynamic forces is evaluated by comparing the individual aerodynamic load case to two alternative aerodynamic load cases. It turned out that the topology adapts itself very accurately to the loading conditions, meaning here, the specific pressure distribution.
In this thesis, the use of topology optimization for structures under aerodynamic loads, like wind turbine blades, is evaluated. The FE-based software Optistruct® (1), packaged in Altair’s HyperWorks®, is used as pre-processor and optimizer. The aerodynamic loads are calculated using a CFD simulation of the flow around the structures. OpenFoam® was used for the simulation. Two different blade models are used. A blade designed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the CX-100 blade by...