Nevi can approximate the melanoma risk and demographic changes will increase the meaning of signs of skin aging (SSA). However, little is known about the epidemiology of nevi and SSA in the general adult population. We aimed to estimate the prevalence and age distribution of common and atypical nevi and SSA as well as gender differences in a large population-based sample. Within the Cooperative Health Research in the Augsburg Region (KORA) in Germany, a population-based survey was performed. Data were gathered by interview and the number of pigmented lesions and presence of SSA were obtained by dermatological examination. A total of 2,823 adults (mean age 49 years, 50% women) participated (response 67%). Most subjects (60.3%) exhibited 11 to 50 common nevi and 5.2% had at least one atypical nevus. 51.9% were diagnosed with elastosis (Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae, 18.3%; Morbus Favre Racouchot 1.4%). Ephelides were seen in 16%, lentigines solaris in 62.4%, and lentigines seniles in 33.2%. All signs of skin aging increased significantly with age and so did lentigines solaris, seniles, and actinic keratoses. In contrast, common and atypical nevi and ephelides decreased significantly with age. Signs of skin aging are frequent and increase, in contrast to common and atypical nevi, with age.
Nevi can approximate the melanoma risk and demographic changes will increase the meaning of signs of skin aging (SSA). However, little is known about the epidemiology of nevi and SSA in the general adult population. We aimed to estimate the prevalence and age distribution of common and atypical nevi and SSA as well as gender differences in a large population-based sample. Within the Cooperative Health Research in the Augsburg Region (KORA) in Germany, a population-based survey was performed. Dat...